Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Three Muskateers....?

So the big question remained, would our cats get along with our new puppy? Whiskey has often had difficulty adjusting to new furry friends and Debbie is very social, but how would she be with a dog? Well things went better than we thought!

Debbie and Jack started their relationship a bit flirtatious. She would roll around on the floor and wait for Jack to come over to her to play. They would put their arms around each others necks and do somersaults. It was quite hysterical to watch. However, dogs and cats play very differently. Jack would use his mouth a lot and give her little nips, which she was not used to at all! Cats usually use their paws to play. As they got
used to playing together Debbie ended up scratching the inside of Jack's eyelid and I woke up one day to Jack's eye dripping blood. Let's just say that was a scary morning. And that meant that I needed to go to the store to get some kitty nail clippers! Ever since we clipped her nails they have continued to enjoy playing together, mostly injury free :)

Jack and Whiskey is another story. I must say, I am mostly proud of how Whiskey has been handling the new arrival. But she doesn't want to play with Jack and would truly rather he keep a safe distance from her at all times. Well, he didn't understand this at first, and one day when I was in the shower I heard Jack let out a terrible scream. I came running out and saw Whiskey standing over him, it was obvious to all
of us that he needed to start leaving her alone. But luckily he took the hint and mostly stays away from her. He actually doesn't even like to walk by her if the part of the hallway is too narrow, so he will sit and wait for her to get up and leave before he goes to another room. It's not the best relationship but they are tolerating each other now, and I still get to spend quality time with both of them and they both seem very happy!

So now our furry family is happy and complete (NO more pets for us!)

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