A few days before we were supposed to meet Fonzi I had dragged my mom to Buckland Hills Mall to play with some puppies. The first puppy store that we tried to go to was closed for renovations (By the way I would never purchase a puppy from a puppy store, but I wanted to interact with different puppies before meeting 'Fonzi'). On our way out we stopped at the bookstore in the mall and picked up a few books on puppy training. I figured that I would educate myself since I have never had a dog before.
The next puppy store we went to was down the road. It really smelled terrible, I felt so bad for those little guys. My mom and I chose four puppies to play with; a min pin, a rat terrier, a chihuahua, and a cocker spaniel. The min pin was terrified. He just sat in our arms shaking. The rat terrier was insane. I would pull my hair out with this dog (not necessarily the breed, but this specific dog). He was running all over the place in our little pen and would not take a break for a second. When we picked him up he was wiggling like crazy. Ok, so I knew that i wanted a dog more outgoing than the min pin but less crazy than the rat terrier.
The next dog we played with was the chihuahua. He was actually really cute and really sweet. He played with us and would sit with us calmly as well. I knew that I wasn't going to purchase a puppy here, but this little guy would have been a top contender. The last puppy we played with was a cocker spaniel. This little girl was cute but the shop manager kept telling us that cocker spaniels pee when they get excited and are hard to potty train, so it turned us off to the puppy.
I really felt that this trip helped because I saw different puppy personalities. I was excited to do some reading of my new books before I met 'Fonzi' on Friday!
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